Finnish Government to draw up national security strategy

8.3.2024 15.32
The Finnish Government will draw up a national security strategy as part of the development of an operating model for the management of national security at the Government level. The strategy aims to identify and assess the most serious threats against Finland in more efficient and extensive ways through cooperation across administrative boundaries.

First national radiation measurement strategy is ready

30.6.2022 15.45
The aim of the strategy is to ensure that Finland is prepared for managing various radiation hazards and to improve the readiness for radiation measurement to safeguard the functioning of society and its vital functions.

Completion of comprehensive assessment of Finland’s internal security and safety

23.1.2019 9.01
Poliisin hihamerkki
A comprehensive assessment of Finland’s internal security and safety has been completed. The assessment was prepared in cooperation between the Ministry of the Interior, other authorities and stakeholders. The Review of Finland’s Internal Security and Safety brings together up-to-date information about the factors affecting security and safety from the standpoint of the population at large.

See also