Combating violent radicalisation through preventive action

Violent extremism means using violence, threatening with it or encouraging or justifying it on the basis of one’s world view or on ideological grounds. 

Violent radicalisation is a process through which individuals resort to violence or the threat of it, urge someone to commit acts of violence or justify it on ideological grounds. There are always several root causes behind radicalisation, and radicalised people do not fit any one profile. Violent radicalisation may lead to individuals joining violent extremist groups or engaging in such action. At its most extreme, violent radicalisation can result in terrorist acts.

Prevention of violent radicalisation and extremism targets all forms of violent extremism. 

Preventive action is the best way to combat violent radicalisation and extremism. Prevention is always better than cure. Prevention increases safety and people's sense of security, and it reduces confrontation between population groups and polarisation in society.

Organisation at national and local

The national Action Plan for the Prevention and Combating of Violent Radicalisation and Violent Extremism 2024-2027 defines measures for preventing and countering violent radicalisation and violent extremism. The Government issued a resolution on the action plan in July 2024. This action plan is the fourth of its kind.

Coordinating the prevention of violent radicalisation and extremism at national level, the Ministry of the Interior appoints a cooperation group to enable nationwide joint efforts to prevent and combat violent radicalisation and violent extremism. This national cooperation group includes a range of representatives, for example from the authorities and civil society organisations

Besides national cooperation, prevention of violent radicalisation and extremism is carried out by local cooperation networks. The composition of these networks varies by locality.
In addition, anchor groups take preventive action focusing on individuals. The anchor group principles are set out in the Anchor Manual.

Anchor website

Finland is actively involved in international cooperation

Finland acts locally, nationally and internationally to prevent violent radicalisation and extremism. Finland actively participates in international cooperation in order to exchange information with other countries on experiences and best practices and to have an exchange of views on preventive action.

In the European Union, it is the responsibility of the Member States to prevent violent radicalisation. The European Commission develops and coordinates activities at the EU level and supports cooperation among Member States.