Planning and steering system of rescue services

The project focusing on the capacity of and planning criteria for rescue services and civil emergency preparedness was carried out in 2020 and 2021. A performance model was developed so that it is possible to determine consistently the service needs and capacity of rescue services at the national, regional and wellbeing services county level. 

The model was introduced in cooperation with the rescue departments of Kymenlaakso, Satakunta and Helsinki, the Emergency Services College and Regional State Administrative Agencies, and it will be introduced nationally during 2023. The model is part of the rescue services reform, and its introduction is steered by the Department for Rescue services of the Ministry of the Interior. 

System is based on operating environment analysis

The planning and steering system is based on an operating environment analysis, from which the effectiveness and impact targets of the activities are derived. On concluding the operating environment analysis, the tasks of the rescue services, the capabilities related to the tasks and the capacity requirements arising from the required capabilities will be identified. Finally, the difference between the current and required capacity is determined, which indicates the necessary change in the operations of the rescue service organisation. 

The aim is to ensure that the rescue services correspond to the operating environment and are correctly dimensioned. In other words, that the right services are in the right place at the right time. The system can also be used to produce uniform monitoring and evaluation data on the quality and functioning of services.

Senior Specialist Teija Mankkinen, tel. +358 295 488 671,