Civil preparedness strengthened through international cooperation
Finland participates in civil preparedness work within NATO
Finland participates in NATO's civil preparedness work and is a member of the Civil Emergency Planning Committee (CEPC) and Civil Protection Group (CPG) operating under the alliance. Finland participates in the development of civil preparedness work as a NATO partner nation.
NATO's civil preparedness work | National Emergency Supply Agency
Civil preparedness | NATO
Haga ministerial meetings strengthen Nordic cooperation on civil protection
Nordic Haga cooperation involves active cooperation between the authorities responsible for rescue and preparedness. The purpose of Haga ministerial meetings is to reinforce public safety and preparedness within Nordic societies by developing new forms of cooperation to reinforce society's resilience in the event of crises, accidents and disasters.
Sendai Framework reduces disaster risk
A UN strategy to reduce the risk of disaster over the next 15 years (2015–2030) was approved in Sendai, Japan, in 2015. The Sendai Framework requires that all UN Member States draw up national action plans, based on jointly defined indicators, to reduce the risk of disasters. In Finland, this work is coordinated by the Ministry of the Interior.
Arctic cooperation
The Ministry of the Interior participates in the work of the Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response (EPPR) working group operating under the Arctic Council.
Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response | Arctic Council