Reform of the gambling system
The Ministry of the Interior has set up a legislative project to reform the gambling system. The aim of the project is to introduce a licence system for gambling in accordance with the Government Programme.
As a rule, the licence system would cover online casino games and online betting. The state-owned company Veikkaus Oy currently has the exclusive right to offer gambling games in Finland.
According to the Government Programme, the aim of the reform is to prevent and reduce the harm resulting from gambling and to improve the channelling rate of the gambling system. The channelling rate refers to the amount of gambling that takes place using services regulated by national legislation and supervised by the national authorities.
Towards effective supervision
The project will draw up the necessary legislative proposals for reforming the gambling system, such as the games covered by the licence system, the licence fees and taxation, the running and marketing of gambling games, gambling management tools and other prevention of gambling-related harm, and supervision of gambling services. The monopoly activities remaining with Veikkaus Oy and the activities in the competitive market would be separated into different companies within the same group in accordance with the Government Programme.
The project will also investigate the transfer of game machines to separate controlled premises as outlined in the Government Programme.
The aim is to enhance the supervision of the gambling industry when the licence system is introduced. According to the Government Programme, the introduction of the licence model must be based on a careful assessment of the effects of the reform on society and, in particular, its impact on the prevalence of gambling-related harm.
Project organisation
A political steering group and an intersectoral working group representing the key ministries and authorities have been appointed for the project. The project also has an intersectoral secretariat.
A wide range of experts from different sectors will also be consulted during the project. In line with the Government Programme, the project will cooperate with the Government of Åland.
The Advisory Board on Gambling, operating under the Ministry of the Interior, monitors the progress of the project.
Project status
The project runs from 24 October 2023 to 31 December 2025. The aim is to submit a government proposal on the reform to Parliament during the spring session 2025.
The proposal for a government proposal is circulated for comments between 3 July and 18 August 2024.
As agreed in the Government Programme, the Government will reform Finland’s gambling system and open it to competition using a licence model by 1 January 2026 at the latest.
The project organised a broad-based consultation event for stakeholders on 28 November 2023.