Tukes monitors fire safety equipment
The Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency Tukes monitors fire safety equipment through spot checks, and the market surveillance of products is based on risk assessment. Tukes does not test products on the market pre-emptively. Market surveillance is carried out in the form of surveillance projects and as field surveillance by conducting inspections of products sold in stores. Supervision is also carried out reactively on the basis of information received from consumers and, for example, the rescue authorities.
For several years, Tukes has surveyed manufacturers and importers on the quantities of products placed on the market. According to the study, 670,800 smoke detectors were placed on the market in 2021, 71% of which were battery-powered and 29% mains-powered. Most of the smoke detectors, 90%, were optical. In addition, 319,200 portable fire extinguishers were placed on the market; 78% were powder extinguishers, 19% liquid extinguishers and 3% CO extinguishers.
Tukes also monitors
- installation and service companies of fire detectors and automatic fire extinguishing systems,
- inspection bodies carrying out inspections of systems, and
- portable fire extinguisher companies inspecting and servicing portable fire extinguishers.
The supervision is based on reports of activities submitted by the companies and the assessment of the qualifications of the responsible person. The means of supervision include supervisory visits and supervision on the basis of documents and registers.
At the end of 2022, the Tukes register included 177 companies installing and servicing fire detectors, 102 companies installing and servicing automatic fire extinguishing equipment and 237 portable fire extinguisher companies. There are four inspection bodies; three inspect both fire detectors and automatic fire extinguishing systems, and one only inspects fire detectors.
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