Ministry drafts Government Report on Internal Security
A new Government Report on Internal Security will be drawn up under the direction of the Ministry of the Interior. The report is due to be submitted to Parliament during the autumn session in 2025.
The plan to draw up of a Government Report on Internal Security during this parliamentary term was set out in the current Government Programme.
The previous Government Report on Internal Security was published in 2021. As Finland's security environment has changed significantly since then, a review and updating of internal security policies were required.
The report seeks to describe the current state of internal security in Finland and the authorities' requirements for maintaining security. The report will also assess development needs that will become relevant in the coming years in terms of resources, legislation and preparedness.
To draft the report, the Ministry has set up three working groups whose term of office will end on 30 September 2025. The working group members include representatives of the security authorities and the ministries.
Government Report on Internal Security 2021
On Thursday 20 May 2021, the Government adopted the second Report on Internal Security and submitted it to Parliament for consideration. Parliament published its position on the report in March 2022.
The report aimed to ensure the further development of internal security so that Finland would be an even safer country for all people and population groups. In view of this objective, the report assessed the state of internal security in Finland and the national and global drivers of change affecting it, and defined the internal security objectives and the direction of development until 2030.
Various ministries and authorities were involved in the preparation of the report, and other parties were widely consulted. The report also took into account the Government Report on Finnish Foreign and Security Policy and the Government's Defence Report, which was under preparation at the time.
Government Report on Internal Security 2021