Research, development and innovation

Research, development and innovation (RDI) are part of the implementation of the Ministry of the Interior's tasks, the joint strategy for the administrative branch and the Government Programme.

Ministry of the Interior’s RDI activities aim to: 

  1. ensure a diverse, shared knowledge base and an overview of RDI in the Ministry’s branch of government 
  2. everage evidence-based information and new solutions to support decision-making in the Ministry’s branch of government and to improve the effectiveness of measures 
    increase the usability of the information produced, for example in legislative drafting and in the development of activities, training and services 
  3. broadly increase knowledge-based management in the preparation and implementation of the joint strategy, performance targets, and other strategic documents supporting the activities  
  4. improve the competence and understanding of a range of parties in the Ministry's branch of government concerning RDI and enable new initiatives and approaches 
  5. create diverse opportunities for working and doing things together and promote broad-based cooperation within the branch of government and with external collaborators and stakeholders.  

The Strategy and Development Unit of the Ministry's Administration and Development Department develops and coordinates research, development and innovation in the administrative branch.

The Ministry’s research, development and innovation network has representatives from the Ministry of the Interior's departments, units reporting directly to the Permanent Secretary, and agencies in the Ministry's branch of government. The network’s tasks include supporting the comprehensive development of internal security and the internal affairs administration, and promoting the applications of research project data and findings. 

National and international cooperation

Government’s analysis, assessment and research activities

The Prime Minister’s Office approves an analysis, assessment and research activities plan every year. Drawn up in cooperation with the ministries, it guides the activities towards specific priority areas selected by the Government. 

For more information on the Ministry of the Interior's analysis, assessment and research projects, visit

Strategic Research Council

The Strategic Research Council operates under the auspices of the Research Council of Finland. The Council finances long-term problem-oriented and programme-based research that creates solutions to the major challenges facing Finnish society. The Government decides on the main research programme themes each year. 

The Ministry of the Interior also follows and contributes to topical strategic research projects.

EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation

The Ministry of the Interior is actively involved in the projects of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The projects represent a wide range of topics from space to technologies and from physical security and cybersecurity. The projects promote a cross-administrative approach, encourage proactive examination of legislation and seek to influence future solutions and technologies. The projects are linked to matters which the Ministry of the Interior is currently preparing or implementing.

Cooperation with the US Department of Homeland Security

In January 2024, the Ministry of the Interior and the United States Department of Homeland Security signed a joint statement of intent on deepening scientific and technological cooperation in the field of homeland security. They will advance common approaches to the promotion and development of scientific and technological cooperation on homeland security. Their aim is to increase the exchange of information, cooperative research, development and testing, and evaluation in areas related to homeland security.

Nordic cooperation

The Ministry of the Interior contributes to Nordic research collaboration through the Nordic Societal Security initiative and promotes bilateral research opportunities with several countries in strategically important areas.

You can contact us about projects of the Ministry of the Interior and its branch of government by email: [email protected]