Government Programme measures to reform migration policy

The Government Programme’s objective is to reform Finland’s migration policy so that it offers assistance to the most vulnerable people and prevents abuse of the system. 

Finland’s asylum policy will be tightened to match that of the other Nordic countries. The asylum system will be developed and processes streamlined so that applicants receive a decision on their international protection status or its denial as quickly as possible. As part of the streamlining of processes, measures will be taken to ensure that rejected asylum applicants return or are returned as soon as possible. The effectiveness of return counselling will also be improved. The goal is to encourage voluntary return of rejected applicants to their home countries. 

The focus of the asylum policy is on particularly vulnerable groups such as children and persons with a disability. Special attention is also paid to these groups in the refugee quota. 

The conditions for naturalisation will be tightened. The objective is to encourage integration, work and compliance with the rules of Finnish society.

Schedule and objectives for migration policy measures

The table presents the Government's key migration policy projects and information on their schedule and objectives.

Measure Schedule Objectives
Introducing a border procedure and extending the grounds for the accelerated procedure  The amendments were approved on 28 June 2024. The Act entered into force on 1 September 2024. A border procedure will be introduced in accordance with the Asylum Procedures Directive. All the grounds for the accelerated procedure that are not yet part of the Aliens Act will be included in the Act. 
Tightening the period of validity of international protection permits under the Qualification Directive  The amendments were approved on 22 November 2024. The Act entered into force on 2 January 2025. The period of validity of residence permits granted on the basis of international protection status will be reduced to the minimum specified in the Qualification Directive. Grounds for not granting or for ending international protection status will be adopted. 
Reforming the provisions of the Aliens Act on the registration and lodging of applications for international protection and on asylum examinations Consultation round 25 November 2024 – 7 January 2025. Government proposal was submitted to Parliament on 6 March 2025. The provisions of the Aliens Act on the registration and lodging of applications for international protection and on asylum examinations will be reformed. The practice of going over the asylum interview record with the asylum seeker will be abolished, and the preparedness and readiness concerning migration incidents will be assessed. 
Development of residence permit procedures in immigration legislation The amendments were approved on 5 July 2024 and they entered into force on 1 September 2024. The regulation of the evasion of provisions on entry will be reformed, and the provisions on the verification of identity will be clarified. Rejected asylum applicants will be prevented from switching to work-based and education-based immigration procedures.
Family reunification Consultation round 11 September - 5 October 2024. Government proposal was submitted to Parliament on 6 March 2025. The conditions for family reunification will be tightened by introducing changes provided for in the Family Reunification Directive.
Detention and entry ban Government proposal was submitted to Parliament on 3 October 2024. The provisions on detention will be tightened, the provisions on entry bans will be reformed, and provisions will be issued enabling the imposition of an entry ban on a person residing outside Finland. 
Reduction of the reception allowance The amendment was approved on 5 July 2024 and it entered into force on 1 August 2024. The amount of the reception allowance will be reduced to the minimum amount permitted by the Constitution and the Reception Conditions Directive.  
Reform of the Reception Act The project was launched on 8 July 2024. Reception services will be made more effective. Reception services will be limited during the processing of subsequent applications, and the system of representatives for unaccompanied minor asylum seekers will be reformed.
Stricter conditions for permanent residence permits Government proposal to Parliament during the 2025 spring session. The period of residence required for a permanent residence permit will be extended to six years, and a language skills requirement will be introduced. In addition, a stricter integrity requirement will be adopted. 
Nationality Act 1 The amendment was approved on 5 July 2024 and it entered into force on 1 October 2024. The period of residence required for citizenship will be extended to eight years. 
Nationality Act 2 Consultation round 27 January 2024 – 14 January 2025.  Governement proposal to Parliament during the 2025 spring session. Among other things, a stricter integrity requirement will be adopted, the actual requirements for sufficient financial resources will be reintroduced, and the possibility of adopting the Danish approach to revoking citizenship will be examined. 
Nationality Act Government proposal to Parliament during the 2025 autumn session. A citizenship test will be introduced. The possibility of introducing the principle of reciprocity in respect of the dual citizenship system will be explored
Development of provisions on removal from the country Government proposal to Parliament at the beginning of 2026 at the latest Procedures for removing people from the country will be made more effective. The project will also assess whether the regulation on deportation and denial of admittance or stay can be harmonised or combined into a single procedure for removal from the country.


Government proposes stricter conditions for family reunification

Type:Press release Publication date:6.3.2025 14.02

Government to ensure seamless continuation of temporary protection 

Type:Press release Publication date:27.2.2025 13.41

Report exploring introduction of citizenship test now complete 

Type:Press release Publication date:19.2.2025 11.40

Conditions for obtaining a permanent residence permit to be tightened

Type:Press release Publication date:27.1.2025 12.19

Requirements for acquiring Finnish citizenship to be tightened

Type:Press release Publication date:27.11.2024 12.19

Finland prepares for application of EU Pact on Migration and Asylum

Type:Press release Publication date:15.10.2024 14.23

Government proposes amendments to regulation on detention and entry bans

Type:Press release Publication date:3.10.2024 13.59