Work packages for rescue services and civil emergency preparedness

The project is divided into ten work packages: The email addresses of the contact persons are in the format, unless otherwise indicated.

Work package 1: Development of a national process for analysing the operating environment and the carrying out of the operating environment analysis

The work package conducted a comprehensive analysis of the national operating environment of the rescue services.

The operating environment analysis examines the current state of the rescue services' operating environment and assesses how national and international megatrends and factors of change will affect the operations of the rescue services in the near future. Along with this analysis, a separate report looks at how the media are integrated into field operations, rescue work, management decision-making, trust in rescue services, and safety communications. 

Rescue services and civil emergency preparedness – analysis of the operating environment | fiLink to an external website
Media as Part of the Rescue Services' Operating Environment | fiLink to an external website


Alisa Puustinen, Senior Researcher, Emergency Services Academy Finland, +358 295 453 533,
Tuula Kekki, Head of Research and Information Production, The Finnish National Rescue Association, +358 40 157 7706, (analysis of the operating environment),
Janne Seppänen, professor, +358 40 737 7320, (Media as Part of the Rescue Services' Operating Environment)

Work package 2: Reforming of risk models and accident and incident predictions

The purpose of the work package is to reform the risk models and accident and incident predictions.

The work package has five objectives:

  • Create a dynamic forecasting model for accidents and incidents. The model will take into account different types of accidents and incidents, probabilities and consequences as well as variations in time and location.
  • Plan how the forecasting model will be used as part of the knowledge-based management.
  • Form, as part of the forecasting model, a more diverse model for designing the level and standard of services.
  • Present a proposal on how the forecasting model will be used in the assessment and planning of the service network (including, for example, fire stations). 
  • Draw up a plan for maintaining the forecasting model.


Esa Kokki, Senior Specialist, +358 295 488 316

Work package 3: Updating and reforming of the information base

The work package has the following objectives:

  • Clarify how the rescue services currently measure and evaluate the operations.
  • Examine, on the basis of a previous study, the future information needs of the rescue services and compile the information needs together into a single package.
  • Explore the possibilities of using continuous analysis.

The work package will plan how to collect statistical data on rescue services and civil emergency preparedness in the same system. In addition, the availability and use of customer data and data collected by organisations will be explored. The information needs of management and planning will be taken into account when defining the data. The work package complements the Ministry of the Interior's project on knowledge-based management. The work package will serve as the groundwork for formulating a rescue services' data strategy. 


Tiina Etelälahti, Senior Specialist, +358 295 488 393

Work package 4: Study on the services that customers need from rescue services and gaining customer insight

The purpose is to examine what kind of customer segments and customer needs have been identified in the Ministry of the Interior’s branch of government. The work package will also explore practices already in place in rescue departments and Regional State Administrative Agencies for determining customer needs and collecting customer feedback. The objective of the work package is to produce a model that can be used to identify customer needs and to gain customer insight.


Pauliina Kopra, Senior Specialist, +358 295 488 441

Work package 5: New solutions for service provision of rescue services in sparsely populated areas

The purpose of the work package is to identify, investigate and analyse the special characteristics of rural and sparsely populated areas from a safety and security perspective and that of the organisation of rescue services. The work package will identify the security operators in the areas and their roles, duties and objectives. Attention will also be paid to the expectations of local people regarding rescue services in the areas and the expectations of people who are multi-local and those who are visiting.

The work package will seek solutions and test them to find ways to improve safety and security, rescue services and contract fire brigades in the sparsely populated areas, in cooperation with regional operators.


Joel Kauppinen, Senior Specialist, +358 295 488 428

Work package 6: Performance of rescue operations in relation to capacity requirements

The work package will examine how the performance of rescue operations and services respond to the operating environment, risks and customer needs.

The work package will:

  • Develop capacity requirements for rescue operations in such a way that, in a similar operating environment, the requirements are of the same standard.
  • Explore the differences between performance and the capacity requirements in key tasks at national level. 
  • Provide a model for defining local and regional capacity requirements. The model will also take into account contract fire brigades.
  • Provide a model for exploring the differences between performance and the capacity requirements at local and regional level.


Stig Granström, Senior Specialist, +358 295 488 233
Niki Haake, Senior Specialist, +358 295 488 205
Tommi Luhtaniemi, Senior Specialist, +358 295 488 387
Olli Pietikäinen, Senior Specialist, +358 295 488 339
Olli Ryhänen, Senior Specialist, +358 295 488 406

Work package 7: Capacity for incident and accident prevention in relation to capacity requirements

The purpose of the work package is to define capacity requirements for incident and accident prevention work. Incident and accident prevention work refers to safety communications and advice, guidance and supervision by rescue departments, fire investigation, and monitoring of incident and accident trends. 

The work package will also explore the current capacity for incident and accident prevention and possible differences between the capacity requirements and the existing capacity.

The work package will produce a description of the planning criteria for incident and accident prevention for the future. Planning criteria refer to a uniform information base and tools that define and support the planning of activities.


Sini Erholtz, Senior Specialist, +358 295 488 439
Tanja Mannila, Senior Specialist, +358 295 488 429

Work package 8: Preparedness and civil defence

The work package will define national civil defence capacity. To achieve this objective, the work package will create scenarios describing the use and threat of military force in emergency conditions. The scenarios will be used to examine the capacity required for civil defence and the current state of civil defence in relation to the required capacity.

In addition, the work package will examine the role of rescue services in cooperating regional preparedness. The work package will also explore the role of rescue departments in supporting preparedness planning of municipalities.


Milla Tuominen, Senior Specialist, +358 295 488 423

Work package 9: Finances, human resources and cost analysis

The work package will:

  • Examine the rescue departments' financial and HR data for 2019 (including contract fire brigades) to prepare an analysis of the current state of the finances and human resources  . The data will be compared to the situation in the project concerning rescue services' financial and cost analysis (Pelastustoimen tilinpäätös) of 2010.
  • Examine the synergies of rescue service personnel as concerns the tasks and costs of emergency medical services  . 
  • Examine cost items undermining the comparability of rescue departments' data and promote the harmonisation of financial data for the needs of national reporting.
  • Examine the main reasons for the costs of rescue services.
  • Examine the finances and human resources in relation to the situation, significance and trends of the internal and external operating environment, as part of a comprehensive foresight process for rescue services  .
  • Prepare a forecast for attrition of rescue services personnel until 2030. The work package will also assess the availability of personnel for contract fire brigades.


Jaana Määttälä, Senior Specialist, +358 295 488 386
Esko Hätinen, +358 13 330 9111,

Work package 10: Project management and communications

The work package is responsible for the practical management and communications of the project and for the coordination between the work packages.


Teija Mankkinen, Senior Specialist, +358 295 488 671
Niki Haake, Senior Specialist, +358 295 488 205
Jari Soininen, Senior Specialist, +358 295 488 322