Activities of the Ministry of the Interior’s branch of government in the Ukraine crisis

As part of the European Union, Finland bears its share of responsibility for the impacts of the situation in Ukraine. In particular, we want to protect people fleeing the war. The Ministry of the Interior coordinates humanitarian material assistance provided by Finland and the reception of Ukrainian refugees in Finland. 

The number of people fleeing Ukraine depends on how long the military actions continue. Since the beginning of the war, more than 68,000 applications for temporary protection have been submitted. In 2023, Finland granted temporary protection to some 19,000 people fleeing Ukraine (2022: 45,358). Immigration Service estimates that approximately 8,000–12,000 applicants for temporary protection will arrive in Finland in 2024. 

It is also necessary to prepare for the possible effects of the situation in Ukraine on the internal security of the Union. For example, we must prepare for possible hybrid influence activities. 

The internal security authorities are on call 24/7 and are well prepared for incidents as part of their daily work. They are looking after everyday security in Finland. The authorities are monitoring and anticipating developments in the situation in Ukraine.

Ministry is responsible for law drafting

The Ministry of the Interior prepares legislative amendments within its mandate and is preparing for the consequences of Russia’s attack on Ukraine in close cooperation with the agencies in its administrative branch and other ministries.

The Ministry is also responsible for international and EU cooperation related to its tasks. It is important that the EU Member States work together in this respect, exchange information closely and coordinate the measures together.  

Ministry of the Interior coordinates Finland’s civilian assistance provided abroad

The Department for Rescue Services of the Ministry of the Interior coordinates the civilian assistance provided by the Finnish Government to Ukraine through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. 

Finland may provide civilian assistance upon the request of another country, the EU or an international organisation. Assistance may take the form of rescue teams or expert and material assistance. Assistance may also be provided in relation to natural disasters or man-made conflicts and major accidents.

Read more about providing international assistance

Migration authorities responsible for reception of Ukrainian refugees

The Ministry of the Interior, the Finnish Immigration Service and the Finnish Border Guard are closely monitoring the migration situation in Ukraine. Finland has increased the exchange of information both nationally within the central government and with its international partners. The sharing of up-to-date information on the situation has been intensified within the EU.

Authorities in the administrative branch of the Ministry of the Interior are prepared both to receive a large number of migrants during a short period of time and to face long-term migration pressure. If necessary, the authorities will direct migrants to be registered at the registry centres.

The Finnish Immigration Service maintains the reception system and makes decisions on permits issued to people coming from Ukraine.

Frequently asked questions: Ukraine | Finnish Immigration Service
Instructions on arriving in Finland from Ukraine | Finnish Immigration Service

The Border Guard monitors entry into Finland

The Border Guard is responsible for border checks at Finland’s external borders, examines the conditions for entry and receives asylum applications and applications for temporary protection. The Border Guard follows national and EU policies when assessing the conditions for entry and when deciding to ease them . The Border Guard ensures border security and the management of migrants at the external border.

The Border Guard is also prepared for border security incidents. The authorities have drawn up joint action plans for different situations.

The Border Guard provides guidelines on entering Finland on its website.  The guidelines for border crossing should primarily be checked on the website.

Information on arriving in Finland from Ukraine | Finnish Border Guard

Police register persons arriving in Finland

In connection with the situation in Ukraine, the police are responsible for receiving and registering applications for temporary protection or asylum

The application must be lodged with the police or the Border Guard upon entry into the country or as soon as possible after entry. All police departments are prepared to receive applications and register applicants. After the application has been submitted, the processing of the matter will be transferred to the Finnish Immigration Service.  

Monitoring of foreign nationals | Police
Contact details for persons applying for temporary protection or asylum | Police

Ministry of the Interior and Finnish Security and Intelligence Service support national security

The Ministry of the Interior is extensively involved in the handling of national security matters with the Government and other ministries. The Ministry of the Interior guides civilian intelligence activities and participates in rapidly developing situations that threaten the functioning of society and in efforts to strengthen hybrid and cyber security in Finland.

As a result of Russia’s military actions, the Ministry of the Interior has intensified its preparedness and contingency measures in its administrative branch. 

As an agency operating under the Ministry of the Interior, the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service is tasked with gathering and analysing information and reporting to the state leadership on the situation picture and, in particular, on future developments. In addition, the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service combats intelligence gathering targeted at Finland. The task of the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service is to prevent confidential information from falling into the hands of foreign states and to prevent influence from being exerted against Finland’s interests. 

Finnish Security and Intelligence Service

Ministry of the Interior coordinates the preparedness of rescue services in Finland

Preparedness refers to preparing in advance for various major accidents, incidents and emergencies. The purpose of preparedness is to ensure a minimum interruption of the tasks of rescue services in all situations.

Preparedness is the key for the rescue services

Finnish authorities see to the measures required to protect the population
Civilian authorities are responsible for protecting the population during armed conflicts. The population is also protected in the event of incidents under normal conditions, such as chemical accidents and radiological incidents.

Individual emergency planning is an important part of society's resilience

People should be able to cope at home for 72 hours during various incidents, such as disruptions in electricity or water supply.

Read more about emergency supplies |