EU home affairs ministers to symbolically adopt proposal to extend temporary protection for Ukrainians fleeing the war

13.6.2024 8.50
EU home affairs ministers will gather in Luxembourg on 13 June for a meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Council. The topics on the agenda include the continuation of temporary protection for Ukrainians fleeing Russia's war of aggression, the implementation of the asylum and migration reform, and the EU’s common crisis preparedness.

Minister of the Interior Rantanen to visit Europol and Eurojust

12.6.2024 9.40
Minister of the Interior Mari Rantanen will visit the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) and the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust) in The Hague on 12 June. There, she will meet with Executive Director of Europol Catherine de Bolle and President of Eurojust Ladislav Hamran.

The European Union must be able to protect its security in situations of instrumentalised migration

10.6.2024 12.58
Finland, together with Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland, has published a letter to the European Commission calling for action to give Member States more effective tools to combat the instrumentalisation of migration.

See also