The Border Guard directs maritime search and rescue

The Border Guard is the authority responsible for directing maritime search and rescue missions.

Maritime search and rescue covers search and rescue of people in distress at sea, provision of prehospital emergency medical care and handling of radiocommunications during the incident. At the start of 2019, the primary responsibility for preventing environmental damage in open sea areas was transferred to the Border Guard.

The Border Guard participates in rescue work using its own resources. It is responsible for the planning, development and supervision of maritime search and rescue services, as well as the coordination of the services between different operators. In addition, the Border Guard takes part in preventing accidents and incidents and provides maritime assistance services and telemedical assistance services for vessels.

Maritime search and rescue operations are led by the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre in Turku (MRCC Turku) or the Maritime Rescue Sub-Centre in Helsinki (MRSC Helsinki).

In maritime areas, the Border Guard cooperates with a large number of authorities and voluntary organisations. The key partners are the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency, the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency, the Defence Forces, environmental authorities, the police and rescue departments.

More information

Sami Järvenpää, Maritime SAR adviser, tel. +358 29 542 1152,