Government proposes more stringent provisions on migration

On 18 April, the Government submitted a number of proposals related to migration to Parliament. They concern more stringent provisions on international protection, preventing evasion of provisions on entry, introducing a border procedure and reducing the reception allowance. A proposal concerning the period of residence laid down in the Citizenship Act was also submitted to Parliament.
Minister of the Interior Mari Rantanen says that the proposed changes are part of a broader reform of migration policy.
“These legislative proposals will introduce, for example, more stringent provisions and best practices enabled by EU directives, which will support the Government's objectives to tighten asylum policy. The period of residence required for Finnish citizenship will also be extended. We will continue our work with other reforms involving migration,” says Minister of the Interior Rantanen.
Government submits proposal to Parliament on stricter requirements for acquiring Finnish citizenship
The Government has proposed an amendment to the Citizenship Act that would extend the period of residence required for Finnish citizenship from the current five years to eight years. In addition, only time lived in Finland under a residence permit would be taken into account when calculating the period of residence. The proposal to amend the Citizenship Act was submitted to Parliament in a government session on 18 April.
Government proposal submitted to Parliament to prevent evasion of provisions on entry
The Government proposes legislative amendments to prevent the evasion of provisions on entry more effectively than at present. The amendments would prohibit asylum applicants from switching to a work-based or education-based application procedure in order to apply for a residence permit. The amendments would also tighten the identity verification procedure. The Government submitted the proposal to Parliament on 18 April. The proposed acts would enter into force on 1 July 2024.
Government proposes more stringent provisions on international protection
The Government intends to make international protection temporary in nature. The length of international protection permits will be shortened to the minimum allowed by EU law. In addition, any particularly serious offence committed in Finland or endangerment of national security would prevent a person from being granted international protection. The Government submitted its legislative proposal to Parliament on 18 April.
Proposal for introducing new border procedure submitted to Parliament
On 18 April, the Government submitted to Parliament a proposal for introducing a new border procedure. The Aliens Act will be amended in line with the EU Asylum Procedures Directive to introduce the new border procedure in Finland. The purpose of the border procedure is to enhance the examination of unfounded applications and the return of applicants whose application has been rejected. In addition, this will prevent secondary movements of asylum seekers to other EU countries.
Government proposes to reduce reception allowance
On 18 April, the Government submitted to Parliament a proposal on temporarily reducing the reception allowance and the spending allowance. The act would enter into force as soon as possible and remain in force until the end of 2025
More information:
Government proposal submitted to Parliament to prevent evasion of provisions on entry
Government proposes more stringent provisions on international protection
Proposal for introducing new border procedure submitted to Parliament
Government proposes to reduce reception allowance