Ilkka Koskimäki appointed as National Police Commissioner
On Thursday 4 July, the Government appointed Licentiate of Laws, trained on the bench Ilkka Koskimäki as National Police Commissioner for a term of five years from 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2029.
Ilkka Koskimäki has long-term management experience in different roles within the police administration. Koskimäki has served in his current position as Police Chief at the Eastern Uusimaa Police Department since 2020. Prior to this, he served as Police Chief at the Häme Police Department in 2017–2020 and as Deputy Chief at the Helsinki Police Department in 2013–2017. He has also held other managerial and expert positions at the Helsinki Police Department. In addition to serving as a commanding officer, Koskimäki previously also served as a senior officer and as an officer and he holds a Bachelor of Police Services.
“I accept this task confident in the future, but conscious of the challenges posed by the security situation. The operating environment has changed significantly and it continues to change. We in the police work tirelessly to keep Finland safe,” says Koskimäki.
The National Police Commissioner directs the National Police Board and its subordinate police administration. The National Police Commissioner is responsible for the management, development, guidance and good governance of the National Police Board and its subordinate administration in accordance with guidance from the Ministry of the Interior. In addition, the National Police Commissioner is responsible for good human resources policy and high-quality human resources management in the police administration. The duties of the National Police Commissioner involve broad-based international and national stakeholder cooperation.
The National Police Board acts as the highest executive body of the police. In accordance with guidance from the Ministry of the Interior, it is responsible for planning, developing, directing and supervising the activities of the police and the related support functions, and for ensuring the availability and quality of police services in different parts of the country. The National Police Board decides on cooperation between police units, is responsible for the performance guidance of the units and allocation of resources to them, and performs any other tasks assigned to it by law or otherwise.
Jukka Aalto, Director General, tel. +358 29 548 8520, Ministry of the Interior