Juha Martelius appointed Director of the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service

On Thursday 14 March, the Government appointed Doctor of Social Science Juha Martelius Director of the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service for a fixed term of five years (1 April 2024–31 March 2029).
Juha Martelius has extensive leadership experience in the Ministry of Defence, Parliament and the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service. His strength lies in the broad-based social and international perspective on the activities of the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service, which is brought about his versatile experience. During Prime Minister Orpo’s term of office, Martelius has served as State Secretary to Minister of the Interior Mari Rantanen and Minister of Economic Affairs Wille Rydman.
“The importance of the Finnish Security Intelligence Service is further emphasised in the unstable security environment. I am delighted about the opportunity to work with the skilled experts at the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service,” Martelius says.
The Director of the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service is in charge of the operations of the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service and ensures its general operating conditions. The Director agrees with the Ministry of the Interior on the performance targets and appropriations of the Service and establishes the operational strategy and the priorities of the activities. The Director is also responsible for operationally important development projects, international contacts and stakeholder cooperation.
The Finnish Security and Intelligence Service uses civilian intelligence collection methods to gather information on phenomena that seriously threaten Finland’s national security and is responsible for identifying, detecting and preventing schemes that threaten state and social order or internal or external security. It must also maintain and develop general readiness to identify and prevent any actions that could threaten the safety and security of society.
Jukka Aalto, Director General, tel. +358 295 488 510, Ministry of the Interior
Requests for access to documents: [email protected]
Requests for interviews with Minister of the Interior Mari Rantanen: Communications of the Ministry of the Interior, [email protected]