Use of broadband services for public authority communications to be ensured at security-critical sites
In future, the rescue authorities may order, for example, owners of large shopping centres or hospitals to acquire and maintain equipment which ensures the operability of broadband services for public authority communications. The President of the Republic approved the legislative amendment on 15 July. The amendment will enter into force on 1 August 2021.
The Rescue Act has been updated in respect of the provisions on the operability of the public authority network. The legislative amendment will ensure the operability of broadband services for public authority communications at security-critical sites.
Orders issued by rescue authorities apply to the same properties as before
The equipment used for public authority communications ensures particularly the communication of rescue services in rescue operations. For example, in large shopping centres and hospitals, the signal strength of the public authority network is weakened by the structures of buildings and the possible location of premises deep underground.
The legislative amendment will allow the rescue authorities to order the owner of the building or structure to acquire and maintain equipment which ensures the operability of broadband services for public authority communications. Compliance with the order can be ensured, if necessary, by issuing a notice of a conditional fine or a notice of enforced compliance.
The orders issued by the rescue authorities apply to the same buildings and structures as before. The owner of the building or structure remains responsible for the costs resulting from the equipment and its maintenance.
Annika Parsons, Senior Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 488 279, [email protected]
Valtioneuvoston yleisistunto 15.7.2021 VN 80/2021 (In Finnish)