Finland and Sweden to strengthen civil preparedness and emergency planning together

16.9.2024 15.10
At a meeting between the Finnish and Swedish governments in Stockholm on 16 September, the countries agreed to further intensify their cooperation in civil preparedness and emergency planning. Minister of Transport, Communications and the Interior Lulu Ranne and Minister for Civil Defence Carl-Oskar Bohlin signed a letter of intent concerning the joint planning of the protection of the civilian population.

Draft legislative proposal on tightening conditions for family reunification circulated for comments

12.9.2024 9.17
The Ministry of the Interior has sent out for comments a draft government proposal on tightening the conditions for family reunification. The conditions would be made more stringent in cases where a third-country national applies for a residence permit based on family ties.

Joint EU crisis preparedness helps support preparedness in all Member States

6.9.2024 12.30
The civil preparedness ministers of the Nordic countries, Baltic States, Poland and Ukraine met in Vilnius on 6 September to discuss the current situation and common challenges. Items on the agenda included warning the population, civil defence shelters and mass evacuations across borders. Finland was represented at the meeting by State Secretary Antti Salminen.

See also