
The emergency number in Finland is 112

Finland only has one general emergency number: 112. The same number works in all EU countries. You can call 112 free of charge from any phone without using an area code. You can also call 112 from a foreign mobile phone. No area code is needed, just dial 112.

‘112 Suomi’ app for speedy assistance

Downloadable on mobile phones, the ‘112 Suomi’ application gives access to the following services:

  • transfer of caller location information for incoming calls made to the emergency number 112, the maritime rescue emergency number and the Road User's Hotline
  • helpline numbers for non-urgent help
  • regional emergency warnings and bulletins
  • location of the nearest defibrillator
  • action cards for recreational sailors and boaters in case of emergencies and distress at sea
  • a link to the ‘Omaolo’ online service for a symptom assessment of the coronavirus disease.

The 112 Suomi app is downloadable on Android and iPhone devices free of charge from app stores.

Reporting emergencies through SMS messages

You can also make an emergency alert by sending an SMS to the emergency number 112. The use of emergency SMSs is primarily reserved for individuals who cannot hear or produce speech. An emergency text message can only be sent from a pre-registered phone number. 

Sharing emergency warnings

It is the statutory task of the Emergency Response Centre Administration to transmit to the Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE) all emergency warnings issued by public authorities. An emergency warning is read out on the radio as a regional warning. If the relevant authority so decides, an emergency warning may cover the entire country, in which case it will additionally be broadcast on television. All emergency warnings are displayed on the teletext page 112.

The Emergency Response Centre Administration supports the official system by further publishing the emergency warnings through the 112 Suomi mobile app, on its own website and through its social media channels. The content of an emergency warning shall always be determined by the issuing authority