Finland to send expert to support Ukraine in preparing for CBRN risks

Ukraine has requested assistance through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism in preparing for threats related to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear agents. Finland responds to the request by sending an expert to join the EU’s international team.
The Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC), operating under the European Commission, has put together an international team to support Ukraine in identifying and preparing for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) threats.
Some of the seconded experts work in Ukraine and some in Poland. Finland will send the expert to join the team in Poland.
Finland is an active provider of expert assistance
International civil protection operations refer to the provision of assistance under international treaties and legislation. Operations are undertaken in situations such as natural or man-made disasters and incidents that overwhelm the country’s own response capacities.
Finland participates in international civil protection operations through the European Union and international organisations. Any country can request assistance via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism if it faces a crisis that it cannot handle alone. Requests for assistance are coordinated by the Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) operating under the European Commission. Assistance provided through the Civil Protection Mechanism is based on national resources. The assistance may take the form of specialised rescue teams or expert and material assistance.
The Ministry of the Interior decides on the provision of international assistance in the field of rescue services, that is, civil protection. The Emergency Services Academy Finland is the employer of seconded experts and bears responsibility for the training, recruitment and logistics of experts and the practical implementation of international civil protection operations.
Pekka Tiainen, Senior Specialist, Department for Rescue Services, Ministry of the Interior
tel. +358 50 456 4477, [email protected]
Matti Inkeroinen, coordinator for international rescue operations, Emergency Services Academy Finland
tel. +358 295 453 547, [email protected]