Rescue services granted significant EU financing for high capacity pumping

The European Commission has granted significant co-financing to the Oulu-Koillismaa Rescue Department for a high capacity pumping module. The high capacity pumping module is a joint project of four Rescue Departments in northern Finland (Oulu-Koillismaa, Jokilaaksot, Kainuu and Lappi).
A high capacity pumping module is a quickly deployable, specialised and autonomous rescue unit that can be used to pump water in flooded areas and, for example, to transport water for extinguishing forest fires. The objective of the project is to develop a high capacity pumping module that meets the performance requirements of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. Part of the Arctic Rescue Team comprising the northern Rescue Departments, the module supports Finland’s preparedness for major floods.
The high capacity pumping module is to be operational at the beginning of 2022. Before deployment, the module will undergo a rigorous certification process during which its technical, training and operational performance will be tested.
The total value of the project is approximately EUR 813,000, with the EU contributing EUR 610,000. The project financing comes from the EU Civil Protection Pool (ECPP), which is part of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. By accepting this financing, Finland undertakes to participate in the ECPP for a period of five years.
The ECPP helps when an emergency overwhelms the response capabilities of a country
The EU Civil Protection Mechanism is a system operating under the European Commission and consisting of 27 member states, the United Kingdom, and six participating states (Iceland, Norway, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey) that supports and coordinates emergency response to disasters and major accidents.
The Civil Protection Pool brings together the national resources of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism member states, guaranteeing sufficient assistance when the scale of an emergency overwhelms the response capabilities of a country. Assistance may be offered in the form of expert assistance, rescue teams or material assistance. EU financing is available for the development and maintenance of national resources.
Delivery of assistance is coordinated by the Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) operating under the European Commission, but assistance may also be based on intergovernmental arrangements or Nordic agreements. The ERCC may also deploy the Finnish high capacity pumping module to perform rescue duties if a flood hits a European country and it needs assistance.
The Ministry of the Interior decides on international assistance
International rescue operations refer to the provision of assistance to other countries and acceptance of assistance in Finland under international treaties and legislation in a natural or man-made disaster or accident when the affected country lacks adequate resources.
The Ministry of the Interior makes decisions regarding international assistance in the field of rescue services. Pelastusopisto - Emergency Services Academy Finland is responsible for the training and recruitment of experts, team logistics and the practical implementation of international rescue operations. Pelastusopisto - Emergency Services Academy Finland is the employer of posted experts.
Mika Haverinen, Rescue Chief, Oulu-Koillismaa Rescue Department, tel. +358 44 703 8600,
Pekka Tiainen, Senior Specialist, Ministry of the Interior, tel. +358 50 456 4477,
EU Civil Protection Mechanism | European CommissionLink to an external website
Civil Protection | Emergency Services Academy FinlandLink to an external website