Internal Security Strategy to make Finland the safest country in the world

The Internal Security Strategy, A Safe and Secure Life, is a road map for ensuring that Finland will be the safest country in the world, as envisaged in the Government Programme. Good internal security means that everyone can enjoy the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the rule of law without fear or insecurity caused by crime, disorder, accidents or national or international events. The Government adopted a Resolution on the Internal Security Strategy on 5 October.
Foresight highlights challenges in internal security
The Strategy includes a foresight section describing the forces of change that are likely to influence internal security in Finland in the near future. The operating environment of internal security is now more complex than before, and it is also affected by factors outside Finland. It is very likely that in the future there will be changes in the security situation, and preparing for them is difficult. The key challenge facing internal security is growing social exclusion in its various forms. It increases the risk of disruptions in society and determines largely the need for services provided by security authorities.
Measures of the Strategy to be implemented through broad cooperation
Approximately 100 experts, representing over 30 organisations, participated in the preparation of the Strategy. The implementation of the Strategy’s action plan also requires input at all levels of society, being the responsibility of numerous different actors. The action plan has eight set of measures:
- analysis and foresight
- powers and capability
- everyday security
- knowledge about security, and crisis resilience
- security innovations
- steering of internal security
- security work in counties and municipalities
- monitoring
The Strategy does not intend to cover all elements of security. Instead, it focuses on phenomena that have elevated the risks to everyday security in recent years or that can be expected to pose security risks to society in general or to a large number of people in the near future.
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Päivi Nerg, Permanent Secretary, tel. +358 50 456 1012,
Ari Evwaraye, Head of Internal Security Strategy, tel. +358 295 488 373,