Flying the EU flag

Displaying the flag of the European Union has become common in Finland in recent years. There are no national provisions concerning its use though the Ministry of the Interior recommends that it should be flown alongside the Finnish national flag on appropriate occasions (for example, on Europe Day, 9 May). The two flags should always be flown on separate flagpoles.

The flag of the European Union can be flown on EU-related occasions or if the Union issues a joint recommendation on the matter. Otherwise, the flag is usually displayed during visits of EU dignitaries or conferences with participants from EU institutions or Member States.

The Ministry of the Interior has issued instructions concerning the flying of the EU flag alongside the Finnish flag at border crossings on the Union's external borders. The two flags are also flown at international ports and airports.

The flag of the European Union

The Council of Europe adopted a twelve-star flag in 1955 to symbolize the unity of the European peoples, and since 1986 it has also been the emblem of the European Union. The flag displays twelve golden stars in a circle on an azure-blue field. The number of stars is fixed at twelve, which symbolizes perfection and unity.

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