New acts improve safety and security at sports events

New acts will improve safety and security at football matches and other sports events. On Thursday 16 December, the President of the Republic approved the relevant bill on the Council of Europe Convention on an Integrated Safety, Security and Service Approach at Football Matches and Other Sports Events and the bill to amend the Assembly Act. Provisions on the entry into force of the acts will be laid down by government decree in early 2022.
The aim of the Council of Europe Convention is to create a safe and secure environment and a positive atmosphere at football matches and other sports events.
“According to the Convention, measures aimed at safeguarding the health and wellbeing of the participants, ensuring the smooth running of the event and creating a welcoming atmosphere must all be taken into account in organising the events. This can be achieved, among other things, by updating the provisions on the security measures of events and on public order and security,” says Jouko Huhtamäki, Ministerial Adviser from the Ministry of the Interior.
The previous Convention dates back to 1985. The new Convention aims to improve the safety of spectators by taking into account the experience gained since the entry into force of the previous Convention and good practices concerning the organisation and safety of sports events. The various stakeholders taking part in the events will also be involved more extensively in order to achieve this objective.
In addition, the Assembly Act was amended to ensure that certain provisions in the Convention concerning safety and emergency planning are taken into account in connection with the events referred to in the Convention.
Jouko Huhtamäki, Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 488 556, [email protected]
Tasavallan presidentin esittely 16.12.2021 TP 135/2021 (In Finnish)
Decision in Finnish Hallituksen esitys SM/2021/27