National action plan for the prevention of violent radicalisation and extremism 2019–2023 : Government resolution 19 December 2019

Violent radicalisation and extremism are a cross-border threat to safety and security, sense of security, people's well-being and sense of participation, democracy as well as human and fundamental rights.

The National Action Plan for the Prevention of Violent Radicalisation and Extremism was prepared in broad cooperation with the authorities (national and local authorities), organisations, communities and researchers.

The results and recommendations of the outside assessment, published in April 2019, of the earlier Action Plan, which was confirmed in 2016, have been taken into consideration in the current Action Plan. The goals as well as the target areas and measures of the operation are defined in the Action Plan. In addition, the Action Plan defines measures through which the police, reception centres, social and health services as well as the education sector develop their capabilities to prevent violent radicalisation.