Ministry of the Interior proposes use of State's pre-emption right in real estate transaction in Imatra

The Ministry of the Interior proposes that the Ministry of Finance exercise the State’s pre-emption right in a real estate transaction carried out in Imatra at the start of the year.
The real estate transaction has been under review by the Ministry of the Interior and the Finnish Border Guard since the start of January. Now that the necessary reports have been completed, it has been decided to propose that the State’s pre-emption right be exercised.
Based on the reports, it is necessary for the State to acquire the property in question in order to safeguard border control and border security as well as to monitor and secure territorial integrity.
The State has the right of pre-emption in real estate transactions in the immediate vicinity of strategic sites
The Act on the State's Right of Pre-emption in Certain Areas permits the use of the State’s right of pre-emption in certain situations. Under the Act, the State has the pre-emption right in real estate transactions in the immediate vicinity of strategic sites. If the State exercises its right, it becomes the acquirer of the real estate instead of the purchaser on the terms agreed in the in the original transaction.
Final decision on exercising the pre-emption right lies with the Ministry of Finance
The Ministry of the Interior has presented the grounds for exercising the pre-emption right to the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry of Finance will continue handling the matter and will carry out its own reviews, e.g. relating to the validity of the transaction. Following these reviews, the Ministry of Finance will decide whether to exercise the pre-emption right and will arrange the necessary funding.
Antti Puhakka, Chief Specialist, tel. +358 295 488 533,