Finland’s first national CBRNE Strategy
The Ministry of the Interior has published the first national CBRNE Strategy which aims to prevent the misuse of chemical substances (C), biological pathogens (B), radioactive material (R), nuclear weapons (N) and explosives (E).
CBRNE threats may include the transport, use, possession and storage of hazardous substances. As a general rule, preparedness measures are the same, regardless of whether the incident is unintentional or intentional. However, the Strategy focuses more on CBRNE threats arising from deliberate intention to cause harm. One possible threat situation is the use of CBRNE substances in terror attacks.
The Strategy aims to improve the coordination of CBRNE activities and prevent CBRNE threats. The Strategy describes the current state and the duties and responsibilities of key CBRNE actors and puts forward an action plan for improving coordination. The Strategy focuses on the following eights areas of development:
- Improving the coordination of CBRNE activities
- Maintaining common situation awareness
- Further developing the risk-based approach to supervision
- Ensuring up-to-date legislation on CBRNE activities
- Detecting and preventing intentional actions
- Enhancing the capacity for cooperation
- Identifying, managing and investigating CBRNE incidents
- Making communications part of the management of CBRNE situations.
The Strategy proposes the establishment of a permanent CBRNE coordination group to improve coordination. To ensure effective coordination, it is necessary to maintain a common situation picture of threats and various actors’ preparedness. Efforts will also be made to improve cooperation in maintaining situation awareness. Joint exercises between the authorities and other actors are an important part of preparedness for CBRNE incidents.
The Strategy was prepared by a broad-based working group consisting of representatives from the Ministry of the Interior and several other ministries, central government agencies and the operational security authorities responsible for CBRNE matters, such as the police, rescue departments, the Defence Forces and Customs. A number of industrial enterprises and sectoral organisations also took part in the preparation of the Strategy.
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Mirja Palmen, Chief Specialist, p. +358 295 488 426,